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Some people find it difficult to hear the difference between b and v;
some can't easily hear the difference between b and p.


Words with the IPA b sound

ball, baby, bell, bed, bin, bond, box, but, butter - and thousands more


Compare b and v

Mouth cross-section v and bThis is the difference between b and v: When you make a b sound, your lips are together; your mouth is closed for a moment.
When you make a v sound, your lips are not together; your bottom lip touches your upper teeth - it does not touch your upper lip.

  • very, best
  • vast, barge
  • vital, biro
  • vote, boat
  • B sound in English
  • view, beauty
  • vain, base
  • vector, better
  • voice, boys
  • victim, biscuit
  • valley, ballet

    Compare b and p

    Mouth cross-section b and pYour lips are in the same position for the b sound and the p sound. The difference is that a p sound is more explosive. You can try this with a lighted candle. When you make a p sound, the candle flame should move more. Or you can hold a piece of tissue paper in front of your mouth. It works!

  • baby, puppy
  • boast, post
  • back, pack
  • bull, pull
  • better, Pepsi
  • B sound in English
  • bandage, panda
  • bay, pray


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