Parallel Text

Reading English with parallel text can be better than reading with a dictionary.

A dictionary gives you a literal word-by-word translation (and often 5 or 10 alternatives... or even 30 or 40...).

Parallel text gives the real equivalent in your language.

Two books for parallel text

A) Two monolingual books

One in English, one in your language
Read two books simultaneously. All popular books like these and these are available in English and other languages, so there's a huge choice. CEFR B1-C2
Penguin Parallel Text

B1) Bilingual books for adults

One book, two languages
Short stories from Penguin Parallel Text are in English + French, + German, + Italian, + Chinese, + Japanese and + Russian. Good translations, but very small choice. CEFR B2-C2.
More bilingual books for adults

B2) Bilingual books for adults

One book, two languages
Penguin are not the only bilingual publishers. You could also try Doppeltext (English + German) and the English + French publishers Le Livre de Poche and Pocket: Langues Pour Tous. Big choice. CEFR B1-C2.
Bilingual books for children

C) Bilingual books for children

One book, two languages - for kids
I don't know much about them, but you can try Mantra Lingua (English + all languages); Barefoot Books (English + Spanish + French) and these English + Spanish publishers: Bilingual Books, Cinco Puntos and Lee & Low.