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Words with the IPA t sound

tall, taste, ten, tent, tell, time, together, test, teacher, top, told, trout, tale, type
item, intermediate, until, post, letter, subtle, navigate, port, export, country, state


Words with a surprise t sound

There are a few English words that are spelled with a th but pronounced with a simple t or hard t. Apart from thyme, which is a popular herb for cooking, and discotheque, which is French, and compound words like anthill (ant-hill), lighthouse (light-house) and posthumous (post-humus), all these words are people and places:

Anthony, Esther, Mathilda, Theresa, Thomas, Thompson
River Thames, Chatham, Feltham
and lots of foreign names, including Neanderthal, Beethoven, Goethe, Hindemith, Richthofen, Thibault, Thibaudeau, Thibaudet, Kathmandu, Thailand and so on.



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